I have experienced sexual abuse. What do I do now?
If you are currently experiencing or have experienced sexual abuse, it is important to tell this to someone you trust. That way, you can get help.
Who can help you?
Even if you are unsure if what was done to you was a violation or abuse, and even if it happened a long time ago, you can get help.
Contact someone for help in understanding and processing what happened and to work out if you want to report it to the authorities.
These resources can help you:
- VO-helpline - National Domestic Violence Helpline 116 006 is a telephone helpline for victims of violence or abuse perpetrated by their personal connections.
- Helsenorge.no provides a list of help resources.
- Dinutvei.no is the national guide to help services, information and expertise on rape, other sexual abuse and violence in close relationships.
- Your GP (family doctor) also has a good understanding of sexual abuse issues.
- Sexual assault centres (overgrepsmottak)
- Support Centres for Survivors of Incest and Sexual Assault (SMISO)
- DIXI Resource Centre against Sexual Assault
- The police can help you to decide if you want to file a police report
In Norway, you are entitled to three hours of free legal aid from a legal professional before deciding whether to report a sexual assault to the police.